Monday, December 9, 2013

others, they twitter like birds

the best thing in life is laying in bed, laughing about things that happened during the day. things people said, or interactions. or christmas karaoke cds you make with your friend.

i've always wanted to make a christmas album. i wanted something festive and cheery, but also a little funny. i liked the idea of a midi file. i liked the idea of midwestern accents. i like peas and carrots.

my bff and i have a "routine" we like to do when we're feeling silly. we have these horrible overweight midwestern personas called trace and shirl. we like to talk about our failing diets, our husbands sex drives and celebrity gossip.

we put our characters to use with some 69 cent itunes downloads. i have never laughed harder in my life about something that wasn't that funny. those unfunny funnies, are usually the funniest.

we'll replay the songs, over and over...laughing hysterically, breathlessly and almost peeing our pants about the tiniest detail. honest to goodness hysterics...over a karaoke song?

these are the highlights of my life. complete joy about a little detail. shoving cheetos in my mouth, or the way an arby's sign looks late at night or a PT cruiser. prank calling family in an indian accent or making fun of pj salvage pajamas or choreographing dance routines to amy grant. the things that make me laugh like a maniac, breathe life into my often anxious and seasonally depressed self.

when people ask what i want in a spouse, maniac laughing is at the top of my list (i've actually been joking about the money and health insurance thing!). i don't know a lot about marriage, but it seems to me people who can roll around on the ground with their heads throbbing from laughing could probably figure out how to navigate through the hard parts, too. I have seen my parents laugh like that once or twice, and it was like seeing a glorious angel descend to earth.

that weird floating uncle albert from mary poppins got it right. i love to laugh...and it really is getting worse every year.

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