Saturday, December 7, 2013

championship round

being frugal vs being disgusting: you be the judge.

i bought a sweater and have worn it everyday since. i bought it the day after thanksgiving.

i shower sparingly. last visit, 4 days ago. last interaction with a razor? can't recall. (warmth > smoothness. time spent standing still under hot water > time spent awkwardly hunched over shaving legs)

i make large quantities of food to last me weeks. my favorite dish is cans of beans and corn mixed with rice. every. day. if you put a random spice in it, it seems like a different meal.

i reuse my dishes. oatmeal in a mug for breakfast? one quick rinse and it becomes my bowl for rice and beans. coffee break? just scrape the residue off with my spoon and pour da java in. less time washing = more time eating.

home remedies & concoctions trump store bought alternatives. my sister discovered my kombucha brewing den in our bathroom closet and was permanently scarred by the "mother" mushroom. i once sanitized a toe nail clipper and snipped off an enlarged taste bud (i do not recommend doing that. bled for hours).

some of these habits i will continue on throughout my life, no doubt, but i promise if i ever have to share a bed with someone i will consider eliminating some. maybe the dishes one. we'll see.

ps: i know getting rid of a taste bud with a toenail clipper is really disgusting. i am ashamed. but i also think it was very inventive. my embarrassment outweighs my pride though. i'm sorry if i grossed you out.

1 comment:

  1. I quite fancy beans, corn and rice and kombucha. I'm also a fan of your new sweater, you are one little fashionista because your outfits have been so darling I hadn't even noticed the sweater was on repeat. Also, shaving is overrated and enlarged taste buds are serious business-I have a scar smack dab in the middle of my tongue to forever remind me!
