Monday, March 18, 2013

accidental hand touch

i saw a man who looked almost exactly like my ex-boyfriend from the back. shiver me timbers! it was a thrilling 30 seconds.

i also saw a man through a window who i thought was my friend adam. adam is goofy, so naturally, i gave him a goofy through-the-window greeting. the man who turned out not to be adam only seemed mildly amused. whoopsies.

mistaken identities are funny. when i was 12 a girl asked me if i was zak hanson from the the critically acclaimed brother band, hanson. i wish i was. he had beautiful hair and could play those drums like no one else.

my friend told me to join christian mingle. i told her i'd rather die sad and alone. she said "it's your funeral". ok, she didn't. but it would have been the perfect time to say it.  instead of joining, i browse the men's sweatshirt section of value village. no luck yet, but next week i may check out the over sized t-shirts. you never know whose hand you might accidentally touch, rifling through over washed cottons.

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