Sunday, February 24, 2013

PTL, sexy glasses


ptl for needles and drills and big bibs and x-ray machines.

for the first time in many moons i can think straight. i can smile without wincing. i can do what i wanna do (except eat hard candy or chew bubble gum.)

i feel like a million bucks. well, whatever a million minus $1500 is...but i don't even care at this point. it could have been the sleep deprivation, intense consumption of vicodin or general helplessness...but i have never wanted to kiss someone more than my dentist. i owe him my life...$750 and naturally some french kisses. or maybe just a lingering hug. i begin my life all over (great book/new mantra.)

even with these glad tidings, i am nervie. nervie that i will no longer have anything funny to write about. i guess i can always fall back on making fun of my job, body, life

i'm "watching" the oscar's right now. when i was little i wanted to be an actress so i would pretend to make acceptance speeches in the mirror. i got pretty good at them--forced tears, witty jokes, "i told you so's" to the 5th grade boy who called me Pumba. i'm not sure when that dream died...but i think it was sometime during my NHS production of flower's for algernon. specifically backstage when a boy named Alex touched my lower back and told me i looked sexy in glasses.

i have a pair of glasses i am supposed to wear when i drive at night time. i don't wear them because someone told me i looked like a lesbian in them... which is better than being called sexy, i guess...but nevertheless...i don't want to be associated with them (the glasses or terms) anymore. i also lost the glasses for about a year, but that is irregardless.

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