Thursday, November 19, 2009
christian the lion
Saturday, October 31, 2009
runnin' yo hands through my fro, bouncin on 24zzz
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
back to biznez.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
pass me your 45 cents.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
witchy woman
Saturday, June 13, 2009
HaPpY BiRtHdAy
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
today I forced myself to do a couple things: wake up before noon, reschedule my dentist appointment, leave my apartment and start a work out routine. (im kidding about the last one… the nice hmong lady at the nail place thought I was “wunning a lot! Nice big stwong legs”. See? No need.)
I started out on my journey in hopes of curing my boredom. I walked across the street and through a few neighborhoods to get to the local walgreens. Man. Have you ever been inside of a wallgreens? Its like a mini-mall of America…except filled with old people. No wonder my mom got all my Christmas presents from there! I left satisfied with a jumbo cross-words book and memories of the irate old man upset that they only sold cassettes in 10-packs. I gotta agree with him though “who the heck needs ten cassette tapes”. He’s going to wal-mart.
I brought my crosswords down the streent to Minnehaha Coffee. I was hoping the alternative boy would be there, but unfortunately it was just the old guy grilling brats. I enjoyed my “lightrail sandwich” and ice tea while flirting with the cute asian man. I was, of course, flirting in my brain because, well, I don’t know how to flirt outside of my imagination, and because, well, I was so surprised that I thought he was cute. Ok, and because he was with his lady-friend.
I didn’t want to walk home after that because I was wearing a dress and my thighs were starting to rub together. If you don’t know what that feels like, congratulations. Instead I thought I’d take a rest riding the ole’ rail. Airconditioned. Cultured. Smokefree. UV Protected, filled with chairs—everything a girl needs when her thighs start to rub together.
I went to the mall and got harassed into buying a 2 year magazine subscription. Believe me, you don’t want to know the details. I hope the Fairview clinic is thankful for their American photo mag.
Tomorrow im planning on seeing Caroline or Change. Those of you with a good memory may recall that this was on my summer bucket list. If I go, it will be the first part of the bucket I can cross off. Ive been wanting to see it ever since I watched the documentary on tony Kushner about 6 years ago. If you like southern homosexual jews who have an overeating issue this is the documentary for you!
I also spent 25 minutes on the customer service line for redbox. You know, after I got charged 112 bucks at blockbuster I thought redbox was the safe, ethical solution to renting—wrong again. If you stole the faith like potatoes dvd right after my sister “put it in the machine” come forward now and give me $25.12. I will forgive you and spare my sisters life. (ok. Seriousaly now. $25 for a foxfaith movie? PLEASE. I hope that part of the $25 is going to focus on the family or those prolife billboards. Or kirk cameron’s street ministry).
Have I mentioned I like the sunbelt granola bar commercial? I replay it in my head when I go to bed about 6 times. (for now its my devotional…lots of tie ins to scripture. Just like LOST).
I cried today thinking about how much I am going to miss my pseudo grandparents next year. I wont have any trader joe cheetos to eat, big computers to reinact doglover199709 dances on , or giant tvs to watch, or couches to lay on for 24 hours straight. Oh, and I’ll miss them too.
Im not going to tell you what im going to do tomorrow because I want to be a mystery. I hear boys like it when girls are mysterious. Crap. I already told you what im doing. I’ll be mysterious on Wednesday….after I get my fillings.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
thank you Dr. D
Friday, May 22, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
i did not have a heart attack.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
my sister got hit by a truck

my sister got hit by a truck yesterday while riding her bike.
Monday, May 4, 2009
enough about me!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
1 x 1
Remember how much I hate Fridays? Did I mention that I hate Saturdays too? I hate to be a killjoy, but weekends suck. Sundays don’t count because God wants us to lay around and do nothing on Sundays.
I’m moving home soon. People keep asking me how I feel about it. You wanna know how I feel about it? I feel frickin awesome! Not that I wont miss Cesar the cat crying at my window every night, the maintenance men coming into my room when I’m laying in my bed in my underwear, spending 30 minutes driving 5 feet on Hiawatha or not being able to buy myself fruits and vegetables. I’m just more excited for spending my days sitting in a hammock, being served Arnie Palmers and having my dad set up an air conditioner in my room (a true luxury at the Malmquist homestead). You may come and visit. My dad will make you a huge breakfast and take you on a tour of a local cheese factory. If we ask for ice cream, he will drive into town and get 7 flavors. He will tend to our campfire and if something interesting comes up in conversation, he will disappear for a minute and then come back with some printed out google results. Where’s my mom in all this? Probably playing the piano or checking her email (you can teach an old mom new tricks). Come and see for yourself.
I went to the zoo the other day. I stared at the monkeys and gorillas for about an hour. I felt that if I stared long enough, a zoo keeper would unzip the fur and my dad or uncle LeRoy would pop out.
Monkeys are the cutest of all wild creatures. Except for Christian the Lion. Have you seen that thing? Even Chuck thought it was “and amazing and interesting look into the wild animals psyche”. Ann just likes Whitney Houston...
Today I saw a cat riding on the front dash of a car. It was like sprawled out, soaking up the sun on the fricking highway. And I thought it was bad when people put those dang beanie babies up there.
Friday, May 1, 2009
naked showers and sexy aprons
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
the grunter
the "grunter" as I like to call him has entered the office. He is a 2 foot nightmare. I think he should be at the developmental stage of speaking, but he only grunts. I ask him a question: he grunts. He wants a piece of paper: he grunts. when hes braking the giant spiky koosh ball: he grunts. Apparently, according to his mother, the grunts have different sounds which equal different meanings/needs.
Apparently my grunts of exhaustion and bewilderment when he is pouring water on the walls or knocking over glass bottles, or stealing the doctors rolling stool don't register with her yet. But, we're still getting to know each other.
this has been my first blog. i hope it makes christa happy. i hope it makes me happy. i hope the grunter learns to talk soon. I have a lot of hopes, but its only tuesday.