Friday, May 22, 2009


I've got some good news, and some bad news. Which would you like first? The bad? ok...

well, its late. or early, depending on how you look at things. I don't exactly know how late/early it is because my computers time is set to 7 am may 1st 1970. I don't know how it got like this or how to fix it. Maybe I have gone back in time, to live a simpler life, free of distractions and comfortable underwear--just like the movie "Split Infinity" where i go to meet my grandpa when he's young and learn a valuable lesson while teaching him something in return. also, i will not sell my farm during the depression and make a fortune on selling the land afterwards and then fund a childrens hospital. Whatever the reason, it is late, and i cant sleep. (and you need to rent split infinity)!

The good news is that i apparently get Internet when its early/late/1970 (which is weird because i didnt think mr. gore invented the internet till the nineties...). I have checked the forecast, looked at pictures of myself from my youngeryears on facebook and tried to find that site sister-christer showed me where you guess the von-trapp children names , but i couldn't. Maybe i should spend this time studying proper spelling and grammar. eh, no. (i had to try and spell grammar about 5 times, fyi). 

i've been thinking about a lot of things during this restless time: what am i going to wear tomorrow? will people know i've worn it 4 times in the past week already? will a shower even help? I want sour candy. I should get those cavities filled this week. who am i? what is my purpose? why do boys smell bad? as you can see, i am most defiantly an intellectual. 

update: it must be around 5. the garbage man just came. i remember them coming around 5 at bethel when i would just be getting back from the study lounge. 

bret, the resident "groundskeeper" and creeper was outside sweeping tonight at midnight (of course, i dont know if it was actually midnight. i'm guessing based on the moons position and my sister getting into bed). The sweeping noise was very loud and stupid. I opened my window and said loudly "deanna. brett is sweeping. its really late. do you think i should tell joe (joe is the landlord)" and then i closed my window and ran away. do you think he heard? do you think he'll be mad? I hope not, cause sometimes i peek into his window and watch his big screen. i need our open blind relationship to remain. but i dont want him to sweep so late right under my window! oy vey!

that reminds me of another incident i had this week. all the maintenance people were maintencing our parking lot on monday, right after i got back from my trip. I had to move my car, so i begrudgingly woke up around 7, put my pants on and moved my car. i walked right past joe, hose, and the teen. Came back, took my pants off, got into bed and 5 minutes later i get a knock at the door. Tradition has it that Joe knocks about once before he unlocks the door himself and finds me laying in my bed. To avoid that i screamed JUST A MINUTE and threw on my pants faster than you can say bub's your uncle. When i opened the door I was surprised to see the teen standing there awkwardly. " you need to move your car" he said. "i already did" i replied. "are you sure" he asked me like I was an idiot. "yes, I just moved it" I retorted , heavy on the bitchiness. I felt bad about the tude, so i smiled real quick. Well, it got uncomfortable fast and he apologized and said something like "wrong room, uh, sorry". I think he knew i just put my pants on. I sneaked by the window and listed to him tell Joe, who i think is his father "dad, its not her car. that was embarrassing". mission accomplished for the day. sonia: 1. maintenance men : embarrassed.  gosh, i hate wearing pants. 

well, i don't know what else to entertain you with, so , um, bye

i put a jug of sunscreen on after seen this. 

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