Thursday, December 6, 2012

yer so g-darn cute, bobby.

tonight is my first night in my new home. i almost didn't make it...BECAUSE I WENT TO THE WRONG HOUSE.

i didn't go to the house next door. or even a house that looked like the house i was supposed to go to. i went to some random house on a random street that was NOT the house or street i belonged at.

i would have laughed, but i almost dropped the jar of salsa i was carrying.

these sort of mental lapses happen to me all the time. usually when i see a corgi or someone is telling me something important. i can't be sure what it is. although, i saw cases similar to this in the dementia home i worked at.

i think its because i think too much. think too much about yesterday and tomorrow but never right now. i also think about boys.

i have almost no money. but even that can't motivate me to get a job. i wished i lived in a world where student loans could be payed with sweet thoughts, and dental work with high-fives. this world doesn't exist yet...but if bobby can have his own world, so can sonia.

sonia world would be awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to Washington! I hope she treats you better so you have a better year than the last!
