Tuesday, April 5, 2011


my 3 day trip turned into a 7 + 3 day trip. I knew it was time to go home when I couldn't button my jeans. Nothing says "turn back" like those judgmental pink teeth marks of shame around your belly.

i love salt. i've loved it since i was a child. i have fond memories of pouring handfulls of table salt in my hand at hardees, or sneaking out to the garage to lick my bunnie's salt block. my sweetest (or should i say, saltiest) memory is when my dad would bring a bag of water softening salt home from fleet farm. ready to burst with excitment, i would sit at the top of our basement steps waiting for him to bring me a big crystal of affirmation. nothing says "i love you" like a big hunk of sodium chloride.

nothing says "unfortunate" more than a wet hair middle part.

nothing says "lame" like this blog.

i apologize. i promise to be better next time.

1 comment:

  1. ...or smuggling cups of popcorn salt into the movies with the Asplund clan? Mmmm...

    (ps. so glad to be reading you again!) <3
