Thursday, August 1, 2013

gentlemanly jerk.

i accidentally squirted sugar free vanilla syrup down my shirt, and now i have my first bout of "chestne". it's as gross looking as it sounds.

my friend told me that if i didn't write a blog a few weeks ago, she would punish me by eating a bowl of ice cream. I waited this long because i am a good friend. she deserves a lot of ice cream.

my grandpa punched a nurse in the eye.

my dad was feeling sick. i texted him and asked how he was doing. he told me "the male nurse is taking care of me." i was scared that meant he went to the hospital. don't worry. he was talking about my dog.

there are 5 really old men that come into my coffee shop every day. the other day, one asked me "why aren't you married?" i told him the truth- "i don't know!" with his wisdom, i know now the true reason..."not rich enough." and all this time, i thought i was looking for a rich man. i gotta cut out some frozen yogurt and get my bank account bumpin!

i've been friends with a certain boy for a very long time. i thought enough time had passed in our friendship for him to know that i used to have a very big crush on him. "most girls do" was his response. what a gentleman.

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