Wednesday, February 10, 2010

cookiez 'n cream

The other day I unclogged my first toilet ever. It was not my own doing, but rather the doing of some anonymous middle school boy. I gleefully dubbed the pot's contents "cookiez 'n cream". I have not been able to get the image out of my head, even after the newer image of "the turd trail" (which had to be chisled off the floor with a plastic knife). What I am getting at is that my tummy hurts real bad and I am scared I might create a new mental image any moment to add to my collection of classics. TMI? FYI? FYE.

the best thing about being sick is the unhealthy amounts of Friday Night Lights I can watch without shame. Ok, there is a little shame involved...but it's mostly due the the fact that I am in love with Tim Riggins...the smoldering bad boy of the dillon pathers, who coincidentally iphoto recognition mistook for "sonia malmquist" on Megon O's computer. Wait...that's not shame. That is narcissism.

Did I ever tell you I work at a camp located in a canyon in the middle of nowhere? Sorry, wait, I havn't told you...I've been reminding myself 23947394 times a day as I find myself in odd situations (eg: the turd trail) and interacting with odd people. For the most part, I like it...but for the least part, it is the weirdest thing I have ever experienced in my entire life.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

prepare yourself

...the return of the Sonj